Dolphin loves to suckle on poncho! He wants to take up all the room in the bed so he pushes me to one side and lies on top of me! Sometimes he rolls me right off the bed!
When he goes, if I make a single noise he turns around yawns and comes back.
He only suckles in the middle of the day occasionally and suckles mostly at bed time or the morning when I’m still asleep.
I think dolphin is a yarn lover.
He has a special rug.
It’s a small one with a cat on it. The cat looks like a chessboard and there are little cats around it.
He likes to run under it, paws first. When he is under he makes a little peek hole to look out of. Sometimes he falls asleep when he is still under it. He only likes to go under when it is dark out because if it is light out he will want to be out side.
Dolphin is the cat boss in the city. If he sees a cat he will chase it away. He has a cat friend across the road that he goes to see around about the time when we are trying to get him in. One time in Three Rivers dolphin was stalking a deer. We have a silly photo of that when dolphins eyes are all lit up.
He hunted one snake and a lot of lizards. Thankfully the snake was not a rattlesnake!
Hey, glad to see dolphin likes the rug!! Do the star wars figures like Sagey's?
Sage thinks that Rancor (a creature from Return of the Jedi) likes to do the Hoochie Coochie (a kind of dance that involves moving your arms in different directions) on his rug at night!
Do you think Sage might be able to catch Rancor doing the dance on the rug? Maybe he could setup a secret camera to film the rug at night!
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