Tuesday, September 16, 2008


They swoop around with feathered chests and large spread wings,
Beaks, sharp and long or curved,
Wings, used to fly high above the tree tops,
Birds of prey, with large hooked talons and strong stout tail feathers,
Sea birds dive for pray,
Eagles rule the land,
Robins and sparrows nest in neighboring trees,
Feathers, Wings, Beaks,talons.
They're all a part of birds.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Sneaky figures in the night,
Tails swishing in the moon light,
Eyes shining ever so bright.

They fight with swipes of their paws,
Staying low and using claws,
and always braking laws.

Their meow is like a song,
Their whiskers are so long,
And their stride is so very strong.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

the new skate board!

I just got a new skate board!
I know 5 tricks, spin around, jump, side up, skid stop and
hand turn. I mostly skate up and down our drive way but
we have started to go to a skate park where I am going up
and down slopes. Last time we went I went down one of
the big slopes! (although there is a vent at the bottom.)
I don't know what else two say except that the cats are scared
of it and they don't run out in front of it like they do with
other things.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Art Show No.2

This is a cat flag . Cats have a few flags but this is the main one out of all of them .

This is a tribe that live in the middle of the enchanted forest and they ride on giant fire breathing pigs.

The winged fox of the forest.


This is a viking ship and they going to Shetland.

This is a picture that I am going to have printed into cards and then I will sell them and donate the money to the wild cat place.

Rabbit by stream.

This is for the same thing that the one above rabbit by stream is for.

Can you see the hidden picture?

Monday, January 28, 2008

More books I have read and art!

I like "Cosmo and the Great Witch Escape" because it is about cats and it has lots of pictures.I like the BFG for a few different reasons. I like Quentin Blake's drawings and thought the story was very interesting and amusing.
I liked the dream catching bits.

These are Egyptian gods . The one with the dog head is Anubis he is the god of embalming. The blue one is Amun the king of the gods. The winged one is Ma,at the god of balance of things on earth . The bird headed one is Horus and he is the god of the sky and the last one is the cat headed one and her name is Bastet the god of child birth . And there are still three more to come!
Warrior Woman

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Art Show

Knight On A Horse

Tree In Summer

Bird On Bamboo Branch
City At Night

Colorful Cat

Fish Swimming Through Coral Reef